Monday 21 March 2011

Just Let Me Be!

They say it takes forty days to change a habit. To be honest, I’d want a taster of the new habit before committing myself to forty days of drilling it into my psyche. 

So, today is a test drive of “just being.” One of my habits is making myself be or feel something: being happy, feeling grateful, being joyful, feeling sexy, being creative, feeling energetic, being positive, being on time…a merry-go-round of demands on myself. I haven’t got a chance to just be, unless I’m dancing or doing a workshop. 

Seriously, there is nothing to be afraid of, I’m telling myself. If it’s sadness, it’s ok; if it’s fear, it’s ok; if it’s judgement, it’s also ok, as long as I’m there to witness all. So, today being and feeling anything is ok. Today it’s an honest Monday.

Not surprisingly, this is what Osho “The Book of Secrets” told me when I opened it on random this morning:

“Try this: Whatsoever your state of mind, accept it and wait for when the state changes
itself. You are not changing it; you can feel the beauty that comes when states change by
themselves. You can know that it is just like the sun rising in the morning and then
setting in the evening. Then again it will rise and again it will set, and it will go on. You
need not do anything about it. If you can feel your states of mind changing by
themselves, you can remain indifferent, you can remain away, miles away, as if the mind
is going somewhere else. The sun is rising, setting; the depression is coming, the
happiness is coming, going: but you are not in it. It goes and comes by itself; the states
come and move.”

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