Friday 25 March 2011

Feel good

The most gratifying and rewarding lunch break of this month: completely oblivious to work obligations, personal to-do list, affirmations and so on, I was learning drawing and painting. I also learned that making mistakes is fine and … fun, to quote my teacher. See, I am afraid of making mistakes, even if I tell myself I learn from them; I am afraid of how it makes me feel. Luckily, today I really felt it was ok to draw an incorrect line; it is fine, no biggie! By correcting a mistake on the canvas I felt empowered, as if my ego stretched a bit and became more resilient to being “not good.” Making a mistake might make me feel incompetent or silly, but it is just for a moment, which will pass. So, yey to mistakes!

Spending this time on drawing and painting, doing what I really love felt exhilarating!  A surge of feel-good vibes is rushing through me, as if I have found a marvellous treasure chest. So, just want to say, people do more of what you love doing – even if it’s expensive, time consuming, silly, not fashionable, not shared by your loved one / your friends, against the little prickly odds that we all come up with to cover up fears and indecision. Just give yourself that gift – do it sooner than later!


Dharma said...

My thoughts today are also aligned with this issue of doing (or not doing) what I love. One must get more sensitive to the body as body gives signals. In the web of meeting others' expectations, we actually forget how to know what we like and it takes some trust and courage to start to find out that. One requires some foggy vision, before the clear vision arrives. And one has to trust this clear vision, go in the fog to find out what lies there and not close eyes for the sake of being in the security of the known.

No matter what I find in that fog, trusting and going there makes me alive as then the real life begins. Life is only sum of those moments.......

Anonymous said...

Exactly! :))) So happy for you, Nari!
*this reminds me, I should probably dig my canvas and paints out again :))

I'm finally learning to play the guitar properly, and it's really hard at first, but keeps getting easier despite all the calluses on my fingers, and it does make me feel great, makes me happy!

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