Thursday 31 March 2011

I Pushed a Girl (And I Liked It)

Setting: Tube. Late Wednesday evening.
Characters: Main Character (MC), main character’s feet (F) & ego (E). Flirting girl (FG) and flirting boy (FB).

Main character victoriously landed in a seat and is now dozing.

Walk in: Flirting Girl and Flirting Boy.

FG: bla bla bla…  hahahaha… chirp, chirp (swaying helplessly as the train speeds up, swaying some more and stepping on the Feet)
Feet: mmmm… (dozingly shuffle aside)
FG: chirp chirp hehehe  (whacks the Feet again)
Feet: rrrr… (grumpily shuffle aside)
FG: cheeeerp, cheeeerp hahaha…(booomphs and steps on the Feet as the train brakes)
Ego: what the hell is wrong with the stupid girl? Can’t she hold on to the rail? And why has she stepped on our feet twice and didn’t say ‘sorry’ even once! But, she did say sorry to the other girl she whacked… what an brainless idiot…!..!! (screeching)

Main Character stands up to get off the train. The Flirting Girl is blocking the exit with her hand outstretched. The train stops. MC purposely shoves the girl aside to make a point. Feet run. Ego rejoices. I observe and marvel at stuff that’s going on inside me, and that I am able to witness it, without becoming it.

Yes, I felt bad afterwards, but this is not the point. The point is honesty and acceptance.

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