Tuesday 22 February 2011

Tantra! at the Library

"Did you enjoy it?" the librarian winked at me.
I suspiciously scanned his face for traces of leering; there were none, so I lit up like a match.
"Have a look at it!" I beamed. The librarian started to leaf through a book on Tantra I just returned. "It's about everything: massage, creating a space for you and your loved one with candles and incense, it's about dancing, and feeding each other exotic fruit!" I stopped, wondering if my enthusiasm went too far.
"Yes, so, it's about titillating our senses...about fully enjoying sensuality, about being present. We lack sensuality in our daily lives so much," said the librarian, leaving me speechless for a moment.
"So, you know it all," as I've collected myself from this surprise.

Later he kindly brought me a book on Taoism. How about that for holistic service in a local library?!

It's truly the age of information, the time of being open and learning fast, if things like that happen.
                                          Photo: Atoma, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Rose_Petals.jpg

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