Monday 21 February 2011

Arty Day

Today I had my first (oil) painting and a photograph out in the public eye, on a small student art exhibition. For the very first time. 

Scary to see the painting that took so much pain and effort, standing there on a easel, looking very vulnerable to critique. Not able to face both the painting and the possible critique, I pretended we haven’t been bound by 15 hours of hard work. Had to turn away, as I was so afraid to hear a negative remark about it. That’s the ego speaking partly. But also, I feel that doing something so new, taking first clumsy steps and living up to your own expectations is not always easy. So, keeping dreams in a safe and nurtured place is the way to go!
                                                       Portrait of my mom
The photograph, on the contrary, was easy to share with people as I was confident I’ve done my best there and liked the way it looks. It’s amazing, how a tiny bit of confidence and a pinch of contentment makes a nice cocktail of easy and light self-approval.
                                          A view of sunset from Glastonbury Tor

Anyway, I came home and followed the urge to paint one...two...three free hand paintings, just to feel the flow and the paint rolling under my brush. Awesome feeling. All painters must have been high with it. Will try to go to sleep now :-) 


Вячеслав Перунов said...

a view of sunset... it's amazing that I never get bored with such views/moments!

Вячеслав Перунов said...
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Вячеслав Перунов said...

congrats with painting! :)

I think that NO critics is valid for a fruit of creativity... each of us is SO unique with own style, so ... it simply can't be judged.
it's nothing to compare with!

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