Friday 8 July 2011

Why should I be wearing a bra?

If you sleep with your bra on, read no more…(if you do read on, no offense please).

My body is wondering… if I’m not jumping about and in need of support, why should I be wearing a bra?
- To hide my breasts from people…or, men, in particular –I don’t want anyone perving at me if I get jiggly or a bit cold
- To feel sexy – in my conditioned mind a piece of lacy fabric that actually restricts me equals sexiness and seduction
- To enhance and create a particular shape – flaunt your assets type of thing
- Because that’s what you do with breasts – tuck them into a bra

So, basically I’m reading shielding, fear, stuck habits, attempts to “improve,” bogus mating & attraction stereotypes. Lovely.
Action plan – no bra whenever I feel like no bra, summer is a good time to start. Jiggle on!